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Jim's Blog

What It's REALLY Like To Be A DJ

(Borrowed from DJ Rachel Lynch)

-Prep for hours. -Show up early. - Get out late. - Lift REALLY heavy things. -Lift REALLY heavy things again. - Stand for VERY long periods of time. - Rush to the bathroom…or just hold it. - Ignore acquired bruises, cuts, and bumps. - Master sweaty clothes changes in REALLY small spaces. - Wait for elevators. - Swear at stairs going up. - Swear at stairs coming down. - Combat the elements. - Perform well under pressure. - Swat away insects as needed. - Constantly panic you forgot something. - Carry your laptop and hard drive like it’s your first born child. - Bring your “A game” regardless of anything. - Pray there is a ramp somewhere. -Freeze yourself to death with the windows open to keep yourself awake on late nights. -Find the nearest late night drive through because you aren’t hungry to eat when you work. -Lift REALLY heavy things again. - Do all this with a smile on your face. - Love every second of it regardless of always complaining about it.

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